Sixty-Six Love Letters

I’m sitting here with a stack of love letters – sixty-six of them in fact. Of the many wonderful things about them, one of the very best is that these letters were written for me!

Some of them are looking worn. I guess I’ve read them over and over for a variety of reasons. Some of them tell stories. Others present powerful poems. Some share great advice. Others offer comfort and encouragement that I’ve gone to again and again. They not only help me understand the world better but also give me a deep look into the heart behind each originally handwritten word. Woven into all of them is this amazing epic of a Groom (who really outdoes Mr. Darcy or Mr. Whoever-Your-Superhero-Is by a long shot) pursuing the Bride even when she’s not so lovable. What girl wouldn’t love that? Yes, these letters were written by quite an awesome Author.

Ok. Whom am I kidding, right? These sixty-six letters that I’m talking about are bound up in a book: the Bible. But everything I’ve said about them is still true.

I got the idea of viewing the books of the Bible as love letters from this quote:

“Read the Scripture, not only as a history, but as a love letter sent to you from God…”

A Puritan pastor named Thomas Watson said that. I wonder what a novel written by him would read like. I know I’d at least like to have heard a sermon by a man who really lived out the above words!

Anyway, as I sit here mulling over God’s love letters to me, I’m pursuing a new adventure. I’m going to try to read all of these love letters by February 14, 2016. I’m not following a specific plan because I want to spend more time on some sections than others, but I have a list to check off.

Anyone want to join me in this venture? I’d love to hear about it if you do! Leave a comment if you like. (See “Leave a comment” to the left! or in the box below depending on your display.)

So far, it hasn’t been as hard as I imagined, but maybe a little accountability and camaraderie would help. Along that line, I’ll probably give glimpses from this journey throughout the coming months, and it would be great to hear what you’re learning from God’s story as well.

IMG_0398Whether we read all sixty-six love letters or just a handful this coming year, I hope we all grow in knowing the width and length and height and depth of the love of Christ (Ephesians 3:18-19), the only Groom Who can promise us – and deliver – a real Joy-Filled Ever After.

Special thanks to my friend Diana M. for the snail-mail snippet that inspired me to search the Scriptures more seriously this year. 

1 Watson, Thomas: A Body of Divinity,

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